Five Little Ika


5 Little ika swimming in the sea
Along comes a Great White and eats one up for tea
Then 4 ika left say “don’t eat me”
And they swim away so happy and free

4 Little ika swimming in the sea
Along comes a Hammerhead and eats one up for tea
The 3 ika left say “don’t eat me”
And they swim away so happy and free

3 Little ika swimming in the sea
Along comes a Blue Whale and eats one up for tea
The 2 ika left say “don’t eat me”
And they swim away so happy and free

2 Little ika swimming in the sea
Along comes a Tohora and eats one up for tea
The 1 ika left says “don’t eat me”
And he swims away so happy and free

1 Little ika swimming in the sea
Along comes a Taniwha and eats one up for tea
No more ika saying “don’t eat me”
Burp goes the Taniwha “Pardon me!”

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